Quarterly Digital Advertising Journal

Your resource for the latest insights, trends, and strategies shaping the digital advertising landscape. Dive into the ever-evolving world of digital advertising and unlock the secrets to driving engagement, maximizing ROI, and achieving your marketing goals. 

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    2nd D.A.J | 2024

    The changing face of media, the end of cookies & emerging trends. 
    Comprehensive "Step-by-step Guide: Launching Retargeting Campaigns" describing the entire process of setting up a successful retargeting campaign, from defining your objectives to connecting traffic sources. Podcasts & industry statistics. 
    iGaming Holding success story. Discover how to achieve a decrease in the attribution cost of recurring deposits to less than $1 and increase CR for Visit to Deposit to 30%. 

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    1st D.A.J | 2024

    Cookieless alternatives, future of contextual advertising & emerging trends.

    User retention eBook on retaining users with data-driven decisions and implementing successful strategies. Podcasts & industry statistics.

    Media Agency success story. Discover how to run successful retargeting campaigns across multiple brands and achieve 400-1000% ROI. 

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